漂亮的 office 图标部分图标包
资源 (相应的 Web 站点 Captch 这一资源) 的参考链接Custom Icon Design
资源信息: Pretty office icon part 2 set include account, add event, audio file, auto ship, basic data, Brief case, camera, contact,create ticket, drive, earning statements, event, eventsearch, FAQ, favorites, folder, help desk, library, man, memory card, message already read, my tickets, new message, packing, personal information, qualification history, search, success, usb, video file.Number of icons in the set and Icons Format:30 icons and format is png, ico and icns.. Icons in set : account, add event, audio file, autoship, basic data, briefcase, camera, contact, create ticket, drive, earning statements, event, event search, faq, favorites, folder, help desk, library, man, memorycard, message already read, my tickets, new message, packing, personal information, qualification history, search, success, usb, video file
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