vista 风格播放停止暂停图标 se 图标包
资源 (相应的 Web 站点 Captch 这一资源) 的参考链接icons-land
资源信息: This set of ready made icons represents 17 objects of various video/audio controller buttons such as Play, Stop, Pause, Play/Pause, Stop/Eject, Eject, Record, Scan Back, Scan Forward, Seek Back, Seek Forward, Skip Back, Skip Forward, Step Back, Step Forward, Microphone, Volume. Every icon is offered in 27 variations, what amounts to 459 icons. Each button icon is pictured in Windows Vista Style.. Icons in set : ejectdisabled, ejecthot, ejectnormal, ejectnormalred, ejectpressed, play1disabled, play1hot, play1normal, play1pressed, stepforwarddisabled, stepforwardhot, stepforwardnormal, stepforwardnormalblue, stepforwardnormalorange, stepforwardnormalred, stepforwardnormalyellow, stepforwardpressed, stepforwardpressedblue, stop1disabled, stop1hot, stop1normal, stop1normalblue, stop1normalorange, stop1normalred, stop1normalyellow, stop1pressed, stop1pressedblue, volumedisabled,
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