web 应用程序界面的图标包
资源 (相应的 Web 站点 Captch 这一资源) 的参考链接user interface icons
资源信息: Icons come in 4 sizes; 80 by 80 pixels, 48 by 48 pixels, 32 by 32 pixels, and 24 by 24 pixels.All images are in .PNG format with transparent background. . Icons in set : biggersizes, addressbook, alarm, alarm add, alarm remove, animation, archive, archive add, archive remove, attachment, attachment add, attachment remove, backward, bar chart, bar chart add, bar chart remove, binoculars, calculator, calendar, calendar add, calendar edit, calendar remove, cancel, cd, cd add, cd remove, chart, chart add, chart remove, configuration, configuration edit, connect, copy, credit card, credit card add, credit card remove, cut, database, db add, db remove, dialog box, digital camera, disk space, disk space add, disk space remove, download, edit, email, exit, export, fax, file, file add, file edit, file lock, file remove, file unlock, folder, folder add, folder lock, folder remove,
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