学校 dayz 剪影笔刷
关键词:学校   学校饲料   草图  
文件格式:Photoshop brushes ( .abr ) file format
资源 (相应的 Web 站点 Captch 这一资源) 的参考链接redheadstock
License: License: Check the License. Brushes: 27Version: Photoshop 7+, Photoshop Elements 2+, GIMP 2.2.6+A set of Photoshop brushes made up of sketches of school themed items. These were all drawn by hand! They are high resolution, with the average size being about 1800 pixels.Includes: “1 2 3″, “a b c”, an apple for the teacher, a backpack, some books, chalkboard, chalk and an eraser, crayons, desk, football, hopscotch design, lockers, lunchbox and thermos, pencil, ruler, school bus, seesaw, slide, swingset, and more!My Terms of Use
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