48 像素的 web iconset 图标包
资源 (相应的 Web 站点 Captch 这一资源) 的参考链接Emey87
资源信息: 48 pixels web iconset: includes a total ammount of 226 icons related to websites, design, e-commerce... . Icons in set : anchor, 0, applications, 1, apps, 2, arrow down, 3, arrow left, 4, arrow right, 5, arrow up, 6, badge cancel, 7, badge multiply, 8, badge plus, 9, badge tick, 10, basket, 11, basketball, 12, battery, 13, billing, 14, binoculars, 15, bird green, 16, bird twitter, 17, blueprint, 18, blueprint2, 19, blueprint3, 20, blueprint4, 21, blueprint5, 22, book fb, 23, 24, bookmark, 25, box double tape, 26, box with tape, 27, 28, briefcase, 29, brushes, 30, bubble chat, 31, bubble twitter 2, 32, 33, bullseye, 34, burn, 35, burning disc, 36, cabinet, 37, calculator full, 38, calculator operations, 39, calender day, 40, calender month, 41, camera, 42, cash 2, 43, 44, cd case, 45, chalkboard, 46, chalkboard2, 47, chat, 48, clipboard b, 49, 50, clock, 51, cloud, 52, coffee
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