关键词:简短   案例   商务   矢量   切合实际,简要情况   业务的人,  
文件格式:Adobe Illustrator ai ( .ai ) format
资源 (相应的 Web 站点 Captch 这一资源) 的参考链接www.vecteezy.com
资源信息: I had created this to make a couple of new social media icons, but I thought I would share this with the community since I have been interested in the work posted here.I do hope you find this useful, I went ahead and included a small tip on how to change its colors in the file.If you are willing to, please link to my website - www.jjmasse.com - but if not I am not worried about it.Drop me an email or something if you where able to use this for something I would be interested to see your results :) [email protected]
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