关键词:时尚   花纹   纺织   无缝   格子   面料   背景   复古   传统   方形   装饰品   服装   条纹   凯尔特语   服装   重复   复古   纹理   格子   桌布   毯子   格子  
文件格式: Adobe Illustrator ai ( .ai ) vector illustration graphic art design format, Encapsulated PostScript eps ( .eps ) vector illustration graphic art design format
资源 (相应的 Web 站点 Captch 这一资源) 的参考链接BSGStudio
资源信息:You can use this graphic design for commercial with attribution to all-free-download.com. Please buy a commercial licence for commercial use without attribution.
License:Free for commercial with attribution. Please give a backlink to all-free-download.com. With out attribution just buy an commercial licence.Redistribute is forbidden. Please check author page for more information
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